Thursday, Emily came up on the Bolt Bus for a 24-hour visit. It was rather impromptu, yet we managed to engage in some very "New York" activities. Or, at least what I consider "New York." We had dinner at Momofuku, and to my utter shock, were seated after waiting for only five minutes. Her friend Allie joined us, and a good time was had by all, despite the fact that I could barely make a dent in my ramen (per usual). Afterwards, Em and I retreated back to my room whereupon we witnessed my lovely roommate Arami and her equally lovely friend Makenna primp and pregame for a night of clubbing. It was horrifying.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
That night, I had a dream that I wore Arami's red dress, which elicited an outcome not unlike a tale I remember from "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark," where a woman became impregnated by spiders underneath her skin:
The following day, Emmy and I went to Soho for some shopping. My purchases? Two Japanese artist-print tshirts from Uniqlo, a flowery dress from Topshop, and a sexy, amazing, military-influenced black pencil skirt by Vena Cava at Barney's Co-op on sale for $100. I also took home a new bra and undie set, after much searching. At Bloomingdales, they don't carry bras for A-cups apparently. I ended up having to go to the specific Calvin Klein underwear store for more selection. Again, I hate my breasts.
Emmy left at around 7:00, and at around 10:30, I met up with the boy. It was still hot outside yet misting rain, so my hair frizzed up and my back got sweaty, but none of it mattered because I was with him. He wanted to walk to the East River park, but we went in the wrong direction and ended up by the power plant, with its imposing blue gates. It was silent and Pittsburghian, or what I'd imagine the wasteland of Pittsburgh to be like...but don't let that describer detract from how lovely it was. It was indeed lovely. I swung around to kiss him by the wet black highway, and hadn't felt that nice in a long time.
I brought a bottle of wine back to his place and we started watching "Out of Sight," but it took only two glasses for me to get particularly giddy and by the time J.Lo is introduced, I'm no longer paying attention.
We woke up at 6, and kept trying to fall back asleep until 11, whereupon we dressed and played three games of Battleship. He won two.
I like kissing him and I like how affectionate he is with me. I love his drawings and the way he writes. I even like how he bites his nails and has ink stains all over his fingers.
Obviously things like this never last.